This sleepy Saturday afternoon I logged into my blog, saw there were two comments awaiting approval, noted both were SPAM. So, I marked them that – and purged them permanently. There was a warning sign that I should have made note of, but did not until after the permanent deletion. Instead of two, 20 comments got deleted – meaning along with 2 SPAM ones, 18 meaningful ones got deleted as well.
BAM!!! I value each comment, as they sometimes add significant value to the content of the post. I was lost – what do I do?
First thought was to check my backup – I maintain a backup of my blog, however in this case the backup was more than 6 months old while these comments were less than a month old.
Not losing heart, I realised my hosting provider might have a backup. However, the provider is based out of US and had not opened yet. I left them a message. Reading the FAQ I thought I might have a chance if I can get in touch with them quickly. They only maintained a copy of the most current data, hence contacting them sooner might save the day. That was not to be: they started work two hours later and then got back to me saying that the backup was about 30 minutes old – which is after the comments were deleted. Not good. I was in despair now.
It was time to go to sleep now, and there was barely anything more that I could have done. Next morning I woke up still with a feeling of sadness, and then I had a brainwave. I get an email whenever someone posts a message to my blog. This email contains the message posted. I could check my email box, search for these messages and repost them myself!!!
A quick search on my Nokia N97 revealed I still had those emails. Paradise regained!!!