Why Indian Talent Season 2 got it wrong

IGT Khoj 2
IGT Khoj 2
So, India’s Got Talent Season 2 got it wrong. The best team did not win. What happened? The rule said judges and votes will get equal (50%) weightage. However its apparent to any Tom, Dick or Harry that the final winners were influenced much more by votes, and to a lesser extent by the judges’ scores.

I did not find any official details on what mathematics was behind the final result. However, my guess is votes were converted into scores (using percentiles for example), and averaged with judges’ scores. This would then yield a result similar to what we got, because judge scores were in the range 23 to 30, whereas prorated vote scores would be in the 0 to 30 range (might not start at zero, but the point is, it would start very low). So, while the worst performer as per judges got a score of 23, the worst voter got a very low score, say 10.

I have written about normalization before. I believe the use of this technique would have yielded more fair results. Normalization brings a set of values to a common mean, and a common standard deviation. Below is a comparison – I have taken guesses on how many votes each contestant received. First, prorating:

Group Judges score Votes Voting score Voting score prorata Final score
Teji Toko 23 100000 0.2786 30 26.5
Choir 27 80000 0.2228 24 25.5
Fictitious 30 60000 0.1671 18 24
Bir Khalsa 23 70000 0.195 21 22
Sanjay Mandal 29 15000 0.0418 4.5 16.75
Diwakar (Acroduo) 30 10000 0.0279 3 16.5
Manas Kumar Sahu 28 9000 0.0251 2.7 15.35
Underground Auth 26 8000 0.0223 2.4 14.2
Haridass 26 7000 0.0195 2.1 14.05


Next, with the use of normalization:

Group Judges score Votes Voting score Nor Judges score Nor voting score Final score
Fictitious 30 60000 0.167 27.916667 26.35 27.133
Choir 27 80000 0.223 25.104167 27.692 26.398
Diwakar (Acroduo) 30 10000 0.028 27.916667 22.994 25.455
Teji Toko 23 100000 0.279 21.354167 29.035 25.194
Sanjay Mandal 29 15000 0.042 26.979167 23.329 25.154
Manas Kumar Sahu 28 9000 0.025 26.041667 22.927 24.484
Bir Khalsa 23 70000 0.195 21.354167 27.021 24.188
Underground Auth 26 8000 0.022 24.166667 22.86 23.513
Haridass 26 7000 0.019 24.166667 22.793 23.48


Several improvements can be seen: Fictitious group has moved deservingly up; Teji Toko has moved down; Acroduo has moved upwards etc. Note again that the number of votes is just a guess (educated one, keeping relative popularities in mind). However, the point is, that with normalization being added to the calculation procedure the same number of votes can bring about a more fair result.


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